hi there...

i am Nitesh Meshram

I am a Backend developer

Looking for to be a part of organization where i can have opportunities for further growth, healthy atmosphere for learning and where my study utilized for further growth......

About me

about me

An Aspiring Java Backend Developer graduated from MASAI school

Constantly seeking to learn new things, good opportunities, and a healthy environment. I enjoy problem-solving and learning from the challenges that come along. Thus, the challenges bring the best out of me.

I am looking for an environment that will allow me to implement the best of my knowledge for the growth of an organization and simultaneously allow me to learn and boost my career.

Age : 26

Gender : Male

Language : Hindi, English,Marathi

Work : Backend developer

Mobile no : 9595910681

email : nilmes96@gmail.com

Country : India

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my projects

Sweet Mart App

This project contains the REST API that allows a Customer to perform all crud operations to buy some sweet products.

Tech Stacks Used:-Java, MySQL, SpringBoot

Online Hardware & Software Support System

A console based project that can be used as an Online support system.

Tech Stacks Used:- Java, MySQL, Hibernate

One store jar

A Backend online shopping project providing Rest API'S can perform all the crud operation to buy some products.

Tech Stacks Used:- Java, MySQL, SpringBoot

Intern Theory website clone.

The main objective of this website is to help the students to land into an internships and job consultancy.

Tech Stacks Used:- HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Jiomart website clone

This is a website for sales of groceries, fashion, home essentials, daily needs and lifestyle products

Tech Stacks Used:- HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Mini YouTube App

This is a Mini YouTube app were user can search there queries and watch the videos as per their interest.

Tech Stacks Used:- HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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